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When you feel like you are on the battlefield, know a blessing is coming! This Source of Strength Bundle includes three powerful resources to help you emerge victorious from a season of spiritual warfare.

Only offered through this bundle, our downloadable 4-part audio teaching series Battlefieds to Blessings includes powerful and equipping teachings like:

  • Battles and Blessing
  • The Night is Almost Over
  • Identifying Doors God is Opening
  • God is Capable of Doing So Much More
The bundle also includes two books:
  • Your Divine Invitation and 60 Day Devotional that includes practical steps every believer can take to position themselves to receive God's promised endowment of power. The goal of this devotional is to help you replace false thoughts – about God and about yourself – with the eternal truth of God's Word. And you will find that the more the Word works inside your heart, the more you will be transformed into who God made you to be.
  • Everything starts with Trusting God's Plan for Your Life. You can experience God's best for your life and become who God made you to be as you actively engage and believe the Word of God.

Source of Strength Bundle

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